Every child is different and therefore needs different teaching materials. With additional materials, we can meet the needs of the children, e.g. B. in the learning pace and degree of difficulty and support your child optimally according to the individual learning level as well as differentiated on the language levels (mother tongue, partner language) with high-quality native language material from abroad (UK, USA)
Every exercise book that your child writes in and every folder in which they file leaves is financed from this. Also the logbooks, art books, or spare stationery in case your child forgets them (and this happens quite often!).
The implementation of teaching projects usually always requires financial support. Here, too, we can offer your child far more interesting options if we can fall back on the education budget. This also includes compulsory elective lessons (WUF) for the 5th and 6th grades.
To improve the learning atmosphere, we have the classrooms with the help of the education budget be more learner-friendly, which is particularly important in an all-day school.
What did the education budget finance this school year?
• All exercise books, story books, learning word books, loose-leaf binders, writing pads, art books, colored paper, paints and much more are daily consumables for the students, which the parents do not have to provide themselves. – In the new school year, this will also include uniform logbooks that were specially made for our bilingual school, and we will also finance the post folders from the budget in the future.
• Exercise books for bicycle lessons, traffic practice signs, life belts for swimming lessons, seahorse badges, giant chess and Jenga, which were already well received at the school festival in April
• new microphones and cables for the music student council
• (Remedial) materials for mathematics lessons (e.g. Logico flashcards, LEGO Edu, construction kits, 1×1 floor stickers)
• (Promotional) materials on the subject of spelling (German department) as well as English reading promotion booklets, Scholastic books
• Seat mats for the morning circle
• Mini whiteboards and markers for the classroom
• The education budget finances (pro rata) projects through fee contracts with extracurricular providers, such as the great theater project this school year accompanied by Anna Watson, and the mindfulness workshop that was held in March in the first and second grades.
• The school is becoming more digital: a set of high-quality children’s headphones with a microphone function was recently purchased, which are already being used in class and which means that the teaching team has great plans for the coming school year, such as podcasting units in language classes, developing a reading portfolio with Seesaw, with that the children can practice their fluent reading aloud in regular sections, etc.
• We have been able to acquire many licenses that are indispensable for good teaching: Seesaw, Onilo, Twinkl, GL Ready (Dyslexia Screening Software), Antolin, Dreifach Mathe and more.
• Costs incurred for the WUF offers in the 5th (and in the future 6th grades), such as all the ingredients for the cooking offer, are financed from the education budget.
What is the recommended contribution to the education budget and how do I pay it?